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Commumity Leezen

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Leezen has preserved its rural charm

The community Leezen is the largest and most centrally situated village of the borough Leezen. It is seat of the municipal administration. The village "Lescinghe", also "Letzinge", belonged, according to a certification by King� Christian I (Kopenhagen) , with its church to the monastery Segeberg.

The then community is separated into three districts: Leezen, Budorf and Camp, whereby Budorf has preserved its former building configuration to this day, now of course totally integrated and only the�community road with the name "Bud�rp" indicated its original meaning.��

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In the 18th-century the only connecting path between Leezen and the present village Krems I was the bridge over the Leezen Au. Financing, maintenance and customs charges were the church's responsibility. It lasted until the building of the causeway Segeberg – Hamburg (today B 432) .
Leezen is a community that fulfils the diverse expectations of modern times and still retains its rural charm.

With the friendly support by the Kalkberg-Verlag

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In spring time Leezen surprises with a very large field of blooming crocuses. A beautiful sight not only for photographers but for everybody who enjoys nature.

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