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Community Krems II

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Situated in a charming Countryside

The community Krems II with the villages Krems II, M�ssen, G�ls, Albrechtshof, Warderbr�ck and some housing estates is situated at the northern part of the Warder Lake and has a size of 1.133ha. The community with a population of around 400 is situated in a charming countryside. The community offers holidays on a farm as well as holidays on a camping site in Warderbr�ck in lovely lake location. The Warder Lake offers in Warderbr�ck and G�ls near-natural swimming places.

The reallocation of land undertaken by the community brought infrastructure improvement and strengthening of the agricultural businesses.
In the year1992 the building of a central drainage facility for the villages Krems II and G�ls was completed. In 1997 a new fire station was inaugurated, which not only accounted long-term for the demands of the fire brigade but also for the community's community life.

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